Service Opportunities By And For Disabled Adults

Looking Back:
SODA was started in 2003 by Steve Bundy when Washington State began closing sheltered workshops, like the one his son Noah was attending. Steve hoped SODA would help fill a void by giving some disabled folks productive work and service projects in which to be involved. Steve worked with Monica Shuman to form SODA as a non-profit organization. Initially, SODA sold donated items on Craigslist, provided janitorial services to University Christian Church, produced and sold greeting cards, and sold donated items on their website. They later started the Borto Project, which provided equipment, books, computers and financial support to the Borto Orphanage in Harrisburg, Liberia, and the Borto School there as well.
Who we are today:
*Holding monthly board meetings on Zoom
*Celebrating Special events (birthdays etc.) on Zoom
*Publishing monthly SODA News
*Paying stipends to core members for their work and service
*Updating our website and Facebook presence
*Producing a memory book in honor of Steve Bundy
*Sponsoring five Liberian Children in Africa
Looking Forward:
*Remain committed to our core mission
*Provide social activities for members
*Discover service and work opportunities
*Keep our commitment to the education of Liberian children
*Continue to educate ourselves and others about Liberia
*Increase our online presence and skills
*Produce regular fundraising events
*Partner with other community groups, such as the Seahawks
*Keep SODA sustainable into the future
SODA Director:

Monica Ann Shuman was born with Cerebral Palsy and raised to be self assured and independent. In high school and college, she helped break a lot of barriers for people who were differently-abled, and served on several advocacy groups. She graduated from Shoreline Community College with an Honorary Associate Degree in Arts and Sciences in October 2007.
Monica has been working for SODA for seventeen years, serving in a variety of positions, leading up to her current position as SODA Director and Chair of the Board of Directors. Steve Bundy was Monica’s former employer and mentor, and always encouraged her to take on new responsibilities.
Monica and Bryce Hoverter were united in a Commitment Ceremony in January of 2011. They enjoy working together to help others. Bryce serves as Assistant Director of SODA.

Mission Statement:
The Mission of SODA is for core members to be active in the community, most notably the world of work and service to others. Core members and allies will lift each other up in mutual support.
SODA Board of Directors:
Monica Shuman – Director
Bryce Hoverter – Assistant Director
Rosemary Blakemore – Secretary
Porteah Reamer – Financial Manager
Noah Bundy – Publications Director
Michele Appell – News Editor, Photographer
Chief Dabeni – Video Producer
Cherish Dabeni – Artist
John Morse – Creative Consultant
Harriet Koscho – Technical Advisor
Debbie Shuman – Event Coodinator
Joseph Jarbah – African Project Point Person
Adeleigh Belyeu – Advocacy Advisor
How You Can Help:
Contribute Fanancially
By Credit Card or Paypal on website
By Check (see contact info on website)
Serve on the Board
Help Plan Events
Provide Support to Core Members
Assist with Technology
Contact Us:
website: www.sodamoon.com
email: soda.serviceopportunities@gmail.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/disabledadults/
SODA is a 501c3 Non-Profit
IRS DLN:17053342774017

Liberian Education Project:
After supporting 41 children in the Borto Deseret International Orphanage and School in Harrisburg, Liberia, started by Mrs. Quita Kialain, for several years, SODA is now sponsoring the education of five children living in Paynesville, Monrovia in Liberia, Africa. We are doing this in coordination with Children’s Welfare International (CWI), whose President is Joseph Jarbah, who has recently joined the SODA Board of Directors.
For too long, Liberia, this little jewel of West Africa has been treated like the poor misguided stepchild of the USA. And like that black sheep in the family, Liberia’s historical ties to the American homeland go denied and ignored while her close connection to our great country lies outside the awareness of the typical American. Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world and many children are unable to receive schooling. There is wide scale poverty, ignorance and civil strife in Liberia, and Steve Bundy, SODA’s original creator and Director, was determined that SODA could be part of some positive solutions.
Besides helping with school tuition, books, and supplies, SODA had also sent food staples to the five sponsored children and their families. Currently the children are aged six, eleven, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, and have been able to start their second year of school, thanks to SODA’s support. We hope to continue sponsoring these children for several more years, with the generous support of our donors.

Steve Bundy